Frequently Asked Questions


Disinfectant Services

How Does the Subscription Disinfectant service work?

For any home or business up to 5,000 square feet, your $120/mo subscription service covers a once a month disinfectant service. For any location larger than 5,000 square feet a $40 surcharge will be added per 2,500 square feet.

How Long does it take to have my location disinfected?

We set our appointments based around your schedule. For gyms and offices, we come in outside of peak hours or after close. The appointment can take up to an hour depending on the size of your location.

Are the chemicals safe?

We do recommend that any food products be put away during service. Our atomized disinfectant solution is similar to wiping down every surface in your house with a disinfectant wipe. It takes mere minutes for the solution to dry and doesn't leave any residue.

What is an atomized disinfectant?

Atomized disinfection functions similarly to a fog machine. A germicidal solution is emitted as a vapor. In this way, we're able to get all the hard to reach nooks and crannies that traditional cleaning misses. Germs don't just cling to countertops and chairs. Invasive germs and viruses can be found on every surface of your home and business. We're able to clean floor to ceiling with a gentle cold air solution that helps maintain a sterile work and living environment. 



Commercial Cleaning Services

What if I haven't had my hoods cleaned in a long time?

By law, all restaurants are required to have their hoods cleaned. The time between cleans vary depending on your local city and county regulations, but in Colorado, the maximum is one year between cleans.

If you're system hasn't been serviced for a year or more, please expect two to three cleans before your system is bare metal. Getting your kitchen hood cleaned is similar to getting any oil change. If you don't get the oil changed for 70,000 miles, it can do damaged to your equipment and built up hardened sludge throughout the system.

Do you clean hood filters/Baffles?

Colorado is a very Eco-conscience state when it comes to our bodies of water. As such, state and city regulations impose fines for cleaning hood filters and baffles outdoors. We have seen time and time again, restaurants get hit with thousands of dollars in fines for having their filters cleaned outdoor. 

We recommend soaking your filters overnight and running and cleaning them in the dish pit.

If you have filters that you want us to clean or do not have proper degreasing chemicals, we can provide the right materials at no extra charge.

The Fire inspector Told us we need to get our hoods cleaned. Now what?

Odds are, if the city fire inspector is complaining about the built up grease in your hood system, it's been awhile since you've had your system cleaned. We are happy to help! Cleaning a system that has not been maintained will add extra expense over standard hood cleaning fees.

What Makes Flanagan Cleaning service different?

We've been in the hood cleaning business for a long time. We have a hard earned a reputation as the company that gets called in to clean up other companies messes.

Power washing is hard on your system and can tear holes in your roof's surface. That's why we use the best chemicals on the market and never power wash. Our chemicals gently turn the grease in your system into soap that's easily disposed of.

Our crews only do one job a day, that way they're never in a rush and can work hard to make sure your system is cleaned as thoroughly as possible each and every time!